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My Services

Rock Maze

Career Coaching

Love what you do

Career coaching focuses on the clients' professional lives. Whether you are a student or a seasoned professional searching to discover, change or enhance your professional life, career coaching has much to offer you.

Bridge Over River

Relationship Coaching

Growth, Respect, Love

Whether you want to improve or transform the relationship to yourself or to others, relationship coaching allows you to gain insight into how you relate to your inner and outer world in order to bring more peace and joy into your personal interactions.

Ami Edit.jpg

Dog Assisted Therapy

The nose knows

Dog assisted therapy engages dogs to promote healing in the context of grief, emotional trauma or disability. Therapy dogs provide comfort and 

safety as well as a calm, loving, non- judgemental attention. Therapeutic bonding with a dog helps build 

better self-worth, self-esteem, 

self-acceptance, overall trust and stabilization of emotions.


Life Coaching

Make the most out of life

Life coaching is a collaborative process between a coach 

and a client. Working together to unlock the client's inner strength 

and potential helps clients 

achieve the fulfillment of their personal and professional goals. 



Free your mind

PSYCH-K® is a unique, direct way to work with self-limiting subconscious beliefs that perpetuate unwanted habits of thinking and behaving. It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind in order to change old beliefs that limit your self-esteem and well-being in any area of your life. 

Image by Hush Naidoo

The Work of Byron Katie

Question your stressful thoughts

The Work of Byron Katie is a method of working with stressful thoughts. Through identifying our stressful thoughts, putting them on paper and questioning them, we  work to release their power over us. "An unquestioned mind is the world of suffering." BK


Life Coaching

60 min                       40 EUR

90 min                       60 EUR

120 min                      80 EUR


60 min                       40 EUR

90 min                       60 EUR

120 min                      80 EUR

Dog Assisted Therapy

60 min                       40 EUR

90 min                       60 EUR

120 min                      80 EUR

AHA! Coaching

Mgr. Dana Ahern, MA

(+421) 915 512 043

Hanulova 33
841 02 Bratislava

©2024 by AHA! Coaching Slovakia

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