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About Me

Happiness and well-being are not found, they are learned and cultivated.

Who I am

I am a certified life coach, certified PSYCH-K® facilitator and a facilitator of the Work of Byron Katie. I have native fluency in English, Slovak and Czech and a working knowledge of German.

My Background

Having grown up with a brother who had a cognitive disability, I have always been aware of what makes a difference in the quality of people’s lives. It has been my lifelong quest to understand what causes suffering and, most of all, what brings alleviation to pain and suffering. Throughout all the academic education I have acquired (sociology, social psychology, cultural studies, gender studies) I examined how hardship is created by social circumstance. However, the ups and downs of my private life and my experience as a researcher, lecturer of sociology and an activist taught me that suffering is also created by our mindset - by what we choose to think and believe, by the meanings and stories we attach to our life experiences and to who we think we are. This realization lead me to become a life coach.

The Joys of My Work

It brings me great joy to accompany my clients on their journey to reaching their particular goals. Together we investigate the invisible and unconscious forces that shape them and prevent them from becoming who they truly want to be. Together, in a safe environment, we work on bringing limiting beliefs to the surface in order to examine, understand, and transform them into stories and actions that support and move my clients forward. Through a series of “aha!” moments, by exploring and changing one belief at a time, my clients realize they carry the sources of joy and success within themselves.

My International Experience

To my international clients, I offer an understanding of multicultural points of view which comes out of my experience of living in the USA, Australia, Ireland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. In our sessions, we can work on adapting to the disorientation of culture shock, language barrier, homesickness, and the search for a community. Through life coaching, you will be able to find your own inner resources to reframe a difficult situation and take action that allows you to thrive.

Dog assisted therapy

Last but not least, I offer animal assisted coaching sessions with my therapy dog Ami for anyone in need of the non-judgemental healing presence of a therapist who has a wet nose.



  • Life Coaching Certification, International Coach Federation Accredited Certification, Coach 104. Power Coaching, s.r.o. Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Coach specific training: Barriers and Barrier Bridges. Business Coaching College, Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Coach specific training: Relationship Coaching, Team Coaching, Family constellations. Power Coaching, s.r.o. Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • PSYCH-K Certification Basic Training, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • PSYCH-K Certification Advanced Integration Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Overview of Psychology. Two semester course. Comenius University, Bratislava.

  • The School of The Work with Byron Katie, Institute for The Work of Byron Katie, Ojai, CA, USA.

  • Certified facilitator in training - The Work, Institute for The Work of Byron Katie, Ojai, CA, USA.

  • In supervision training - Mgr. Miriam Pšenáková, clinical psychologist, Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Teacher Certification - Zippy’s Friends, Apple’s Friends - program for the support of emotional resilience, mental health and social skills of children. OZ Zippy, Zippyho kamaráti, Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Trainer Certification - Zippy’s Friends, Apple’s Friends - program for the support of emotional resilience, mental health and social skills of children. OZ Zippy, Zippyho kamaráti, Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Animal Assisted Therapy Practitioner - working with clients with cognitive disabilities (100+ hours). Bratislava, Slovakia.

  • Animal assisted therapy diploma. Center for Excellence, Manchester, United Kingdom.

  • Animal assisted play therapy course. Family Enhancement and Play Therapy Center, Boiling Springs, PA, USA.

  • Essentials of canine behavior and training for Animal assisted play therapy course. Family Enhancement and Play Therapy Center, Boiling Springs, PA, USA.

  • Grief counselling certification, Udemy, USA.


  • PhD program in Sociology (ABD), Boston College, MA, USA.

  • MA in Gender studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

  • MA in English and American Culture, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

  • English as a Second Language Instructor, Boston College, MA, USA.

  • English Writing Tutor, Boston College, MA, USA.

  • College Teaching Instructor, Boston College, MA, USA.

  • Sociology instructor, Boston College, MA, USA. Courses: Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Disability, Sociology of Health and Illness, Sociology of Family, Social Psychology, Anthropology Through Film.

  • Sociology instructor, Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia. Courses: Introduction to Sociology, Society Through Film.

About Me: About Me

AHA! Coaching

Mgr. Dana Ahern, MA

(+421) 915 512 043

Hanulova 33
841 02 Bratislava

©2024 by AHA! Coaching Slovakia

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